Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Silent whispers...

I thought I was God’s favorite child…
But He had many others to take care of..
I waited until I saw a ray of hope..
After leaps of long time,
After years of waiting…

The ray was so bright..
Felt like happy times are here to stay..
And that this time it was forever

Until I knew it...
I was thrown aback!!!
Life dumped me again..
And laughed hysterically at me..

For I should not long for every good thing..
Nor any good thing that catches my eye..
Life always teaches me a thing or two..
And I learnt my lessons again!!

Heard my heart whisper to me..
“Don’t be so good to me that I fall for you...
Don’t be so rude to me that I can’t get up again!!”

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

my takes ...or mistakes?

My lyf is not within d brief array of a novel…as dat of chetan bhagat ‘s “d three mistakes of my lyf”……but my lyf is much broader….much wider n much complex to make juz 3 mistakes in my entire lyf..well i may not be mistaken if I say I make three mistakes per day or rather 3 mistakes evry hour…o hell……may be more than dat..!!!!
Then wot are mistakes? Coz mistakes cud be simplified into “wrongs” or in a way ruthless mistakes cud be kinda complexified into “sins”…
So letz simply understand da word mistake not as in da English dictionary but as to wot I understand …so.. “MISTAKES cud be MISS-TAKES”…rather simply those TAKES dat we were abt to take but MISSED for any reason or so….for instance.. I was abt to console my friend in distress in da softest possible way(datz my TAKE)..but for sm unwanted n uncontrollable systemic behavior(things happening beyond our control) …I actually ended up hurting dat vry person(so may be datz d take I MISSED)..i dint want to but it happed…n it did hurt! I knw…then wot..well now itz da time dat another great English word comes to my rescue…yup..itz “SORRY”…whatevr da miss-take be…big or small….intensely hurting or not …”sorry” is alwyz thr…so we keep on using d sword of mistake n in return keep da shield of sorry handy..isnt dat clever!!
I rembr da most oftenly used phrase of my father. “a sorry doesn’t make a dead man alive!” n how true..!!

so dat explains dat one has to take every TAKES carefully enough to not HURT smone….So dat works as da moral of d story!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

shattered dreamz....

Hopes...higher dan d sky

smiles...brighter dan the stars

songs...gleefully melodious

days...enviously d happiest

den was all dat the past?

stolen in d dark passages of bygone days..

memories worth to cherish..

but only memories i have...

i lost d world i live in

n i lost in touch wid meh..!