Tuesday, September 23, 2008

my takes ...or mistakes?

My lyf is not within d brief array of a novel…as dat of chetan bhagat ‘s “d three mistakes of my lyf”……but my lyf is much broader….much wider n much complex to make juz 3 mistakes in my entire lyf..well i may not be mistaken if I say I make three mistakes per day or rather 3 mistakes evry hour…o hell……may be more than dat..!!!!
Then wot are mistakes? Coz mistakes cud be simplified into “wrongs” or in a way ruthless mistakes cud be kinda complexified into “sins”…
So letz simply understand da word mistake not as in da English dictionary but as to wot I understand …so.. “MISTAKES cud be MISS-TAKES”…rather simply those TAKES dat we were abt to take but MISSED for any reason or so….for instance.. I was abt to console my friend in distress in da softest possible way(datz my TAKE)..but for sm unwanted n uncontrollable systemic behavior(things happening beyond our control) …I actually ended up hurting dat vry person(so may be datz d take I MISSED)..i dint want to but it happed…n it did hurt! I knw…then wot..well now itz da time dat another great English word comes to my rescue…yup..itz “SORRY”…whatevr da miss-take be…big or small….intensely hurting or not …”sorry” is alwyz thr…so we keep on using d sword of mistake n in return keep da shield of sorry handy..isnt dat clever!!
I rembr da most oftenly used phrase of my father. “a sorry doesn’t make a dead man alive!” n how true..!!

so dat explains dat one has to take every TAKES carefully enough to not HURT smone….So dat works as da moral of d story!!


kabandi---a rebel in my own terms said...

so simple yet so sensible..u rock grl...keep on writing .. m eagerly waiting ....god bless..

my space said...

ya sure... thank u!! :)

attri said...

the best things come in simple forms

my space said...

thank u attri... i think u should also start up writing... m really eager to read ur stuff after i read d poem on ur "mom"!